Reaper2016s2Reaper 2016 Semester 2This is the reaping with osara course landing pad. Please remember, all password material is protected and should not be given out to people. We put lots of work into delivering this content to you. Respect us by getting some use and learning from it, but not passing it on. Curriculum and podcast feedsThe course will be divided into weeks so you will have an idea of how things will run. The reaper curriculum can be found here. PodcastsIn order to supplement your curriculum notes and articles, live lectures happen on team talk. Don't fret if you can't make it. There is also a podcast for your convenience. The podcast content can be found at the following link: User name: reaper2016s2 password: RippleIsFun Watch the case on the password. AssignmentsIf you are looking for a week by week list of reaper assignments, you can find them on the Reaper Assignments page. Note, assignments as well as a detailed list of requirements for the final project are listed on this page. Navigating reaperHere is a detailed article which talks about all the different ways of navigating with reaper commands. Reaper Jaws scriptsHere is an article explaining about the Reaper Jaws Scripts The VST ArchiveJust like GoldWave, reaper also comes with stock effects. Reaper is also just as flexible, if not more so. The same VST archive can be imported into reaper as well as many other VST's you might have. You can find it at the Contacting usNeed help or would like to contact your instructors about something class related? There are several ways to contact your instructors. You can find all the methods of contact by visiting the contact page. |